This is the archive page for Gloryland Gospel's album and CD review section
for the years of 2001 - 2007. Below you will find a listing of albums and CDs that have been reviewed. Each album is judged on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest.
The albums reviewed represent a portion of the nation's great quartet
recordings. Feel free to e-mail if you have any questions about any of the
releases listed below. Click on the RED
title below to read the review.
Nationally Released Reviews
1. Darrell McFadden & The Disciples "II Sides To
Every Story" (January 2001)
2. Ronica & The Mighty Blazing Stars "Lord It's In
Your Hands" (February 2001)
3. The Windy City Spiritualaires "Live In Bama"
(March 2001)
4. The Messengers "Special Delivery" (April 2001)
5. Sensational Nightingales "Wasted Years" (May
6. The Memphis Harmonizers "I Found The Lord" (June
7. Spencer Taylor & The Highway QC's "The Legend"
(July 2001)
8. The Christianaires "Thank You" (August 2001)
9. The Bolton Brothers "Revival In Atlanta"
(September 2001)
10. Revive "Feel The Freedom" (October 2001)
11. The Jackson Southernaires "Anniversary"
(November 2001)
12. Doc McKenzie & The Hi-Lites "Hold On" (December
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Independently Released Reviews
1. Larnell Starkey & The Spiritual Seven "Live.." (January 2001)
2. Rev. Melvin Kenniebrew & The Sensational Saints "Consecrated Service" (February 2001)
3. Rev. Esqulaira LeSure & The Christian Brothers "Heal The Land" (March 2001)
4. Deacon Williams & The Soul Converters "All The Way" (April 2001)
5. Billy Hardie & The Gospel Soul Brothers "Call On Jesus" (May 2001)
6. Rev. Jerial Dingle & The Harmonics "Christian Life" (June 2001)
7. Determined "Hold On" (July 2001)
8. The Gospel Incredibles "Dedicated To Jesus" (August 2001)
9. Albert Phillips & The Divine Messengers "A Message From The Messengers" (September 2001)
10. Earnest Pearson & The Singing Disciples (October 2001)
11. The Sons of Soul Revivers "I'm A New Creature" (November 2001)
12. Bill Allen & The Gospelaires of Dayton, Ohio
"You Got Me" (December 2001)

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