This is the archive page for Gloryland Gospel's album and CD review section
for the years of 2001 - 2007. Below you will find a listing of albums and CDs that have been reviewed. Each album is judged on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest.
The albums reviewed represent a portion of the nation's great quartet
recordings. Feel free to e-mail if you have any questions about any of the
releases listed below. Click on the RED
title below to read the review.
Nationally Released Reviews
2001 National Releases Year Ending Review
(January 2002)
2. Rev. Charlie Brown & The Saints "Jesus Will See You
Through" (February 2002)
3. Tommy Ellison & The Singing Stars "Going To See My
Friend" (March 2002)
4. The Bonner Brothers "Delayed But Not Denied" (April
5. Tim Woodson & The Heirs of Harmony "Instruments of
Praise" (May 2002)
6. The Texas Boyz "Forever Together" (June 2002)
7. The Canton Spirituals "Walking By Faith" (July 2002)
8. Greg Kelly & Foundation "Heaven Or Hell.." (August
9. Damon Little & Nu Beginning "You Can't Straddle The
Fence" (September 2002)
10. Mighty Clouds of Joy "I Want To Thank You" (October
11. The Lumzy Sisters "Satisfied" (November 2002)
12. Darrell McFadden & The Disciples "Confirmation"
(December 2002)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Independently Released Reviews
2001 Independent Releases Year Ending Review
(January 2002)
Reuben Burton & The Victory Travelers "He's A God"
(February 2002)
3. The Virginia Aires "Live In The Country" (March 2002)
4. The Chosen Sons "Still Blessed" (April 2002)
5. Isaac Freeman & The Bluebloods "Beautiful Stars" (May
6. Timothy Garner & The TraVails "Just The 3 of Us" (June
7. Lee Cloud & The Original Northernaires "I Surrender
All" (July 2002)
8. Brian Mayes & Heavenbound "I'll Always Be Grateful"
(August 2002)
9. The Sons of Wonder "Out of The Storm" (September 2002)
10. The Concert Supremes "Just 4 U" (October 2002)
11. Eternal Light "New Thang" (November 2002)
12. The McDonald Sisters "Give It Up" (December 2002)

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