This is the archive page for Gloryland Gospel's album and CD review section
for the years of 2001 - 2007. Below you will find a listing of albums and CDs that have been reviewed. Each album is judged on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest.
The albums reviewed represent a portion of the nation's great quartet
recordings. Feel free to e-mail if you have any questions about any of the
releases listed below. Click on the RED
title below to read the review.
Nationally Released Reviews
2005 National Year End Review
1. The Racy Brothers "There's Not A Friend: Live In Little Rock" (January 2006)
2. Darrell McFadden & The Disciples "I've Got
Right" (February 2006)
3. Henry Green "Mr. Green's Session" (March 2006)
4. Endurance "He'll Make A Way" (April 2006)
5. Leomia Boyd "On Time" (May 2006)
6. Keith Wonderboy Johnson & The Spiritual Voices "Just Being Me" (June 2006)
7. Bill Pinkney & The Gospel Drifters "I Found The Lord"
(July 2006)
8. Lee Williams & The Spiritual QC's "Soulful
Healing" (August 2006)
9. Rev. Andrew Cheairs & The Songbirds "Make Up Your
Mind" (September 2006)
10. The Dixie Hummingbirds "Still... Keepin' It Real -
Last Man Standing" (October 2006)
11. The Caravans
"Paved The Way" (November 2006)
12. The Mighty Supremes "Awesome God, LIVE" (December
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Independently Released Reviews
2005 Independent Year End Review
1. The Williams Singers "Hav'n Church" (January 2006)
2. The Pilgrim Wonders "Live In Canton Mississippi" (February 2006)
3. The Yancey Brothers "O' Lord I'll Go" (March
Minister Fred Collins and The San Diego
Gospelaires "Made
It Through The Storm"
(April 2006)
5. Karen Washington & The New Singing Stars "Jesus
Is Alive" (May 2006)
6. The Anointed Sons of Jersey "Christian Race"
(June 2006)
7. The Gospel Imperials "Move Satan"
(July 2006)
8. The Gospel Incredibles "One Moment To Be saved"
(August 2006)
9. Holloway & Drake Singers "Live Once Again Camp
Hill, Alabama" (September 2006)
10. The Zionaires "Still Blessed"
(October 2006)
11. The Gospel Connection "Back For The First Time"
(November 2006)
12. The Sons of Favor "Be Careful"
(December 2006)

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