This is the archive page for Gloryland Gospel's album and CD review section
for the years of 2001 - 2007. Below you will find a listing of albums and CDs that have been reviewed. Each album is judged on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest.
The albums reviewed represent a portion of the nation's great quartet
recordings. Feel free to e-mail if you have any questions about any of the
releases listed below. Click on the RED
title below to read the review.
Nationally Released Reviews
200 7
National Year End Review
1. The Swan Silvertones "This Is Gospel - Happy With Jesus Alone" (January 2007)
2. Jewell &
Converted "Live In St. Louis" (February 2007)
3. Rev. Thomas J. Spann and The Brooklyn Allstars "LIVE!
In Atlanta!" (March 2007)
4. Yes! Quartet (April 2007)
5. Harmonizing Four "This Is Gospel
- I Shall Not Be Moved" (May 2007)
6. The Mighty Clouds of Joy "Movin'"
(June 2007)
7. The Pilgrim Jubilees "Jesus Got
Me Off" (July 2007)
8. Spencer Taylor and The Highway
QC's "It Hasn't Always Been Easy" (August 2007)
9. The Canton Spirituals "Driven"
(September 2007)
10. Lee Williams & The Spiritual QC's "So
Much To Be Thankful For" (October 2007)
11. The Disciples "Change" (November 2007)
12. Luther Barnes "Christmas With
Luther Barnes" (December 2007)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Independently Released Reviews
2006 Independent Year End Review
1. The Voices of Clouds "The
Voices of Clouds" (January 2007)
2. Junior Angels "Blessed" (February
Jay Caldwell & The Gospel Ambassadors
"Two Men Follow Me" (March 2007)
4. Rev. Stanley Amos & The Joyful Heirs "Let Jesus Fix It" (April 2007)
5. Friendz "Where There's A Will There's A Way" (May 2007)
6. Youngblood & The New Gospel Seekers "LIVE in Hartsville, SC" (June
7. Rev. R. L. Bush & The New Swansilvertones "Live and Up Close" (July
8. Rev. Jerial Dingle & New Vision "Living The Dream"
(August 2007)
9. Ministree "His Ministree"
(September 2007)
10. David Harrison and The Bells of Joy "I Can't Give Up Now" (October 2007)
11. Connection "Victory Live" (November 2007)
12. Larnell Starkey & The Spiritual Seven
Gospel Singers "CHRISTMASTIME with Larnell Starkey & The Spiritual Seven Gospel
Singers" (December 2007)

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