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Welcome to The Gloryland Gospel 78s Record Store. This listing represents the current stock of 78s available for purchase. Sorry we do not transfer
78s to CD or cassette nor is this listing of any other format other than 78s. All prices are in US Dollars and shipping is not included in the price shown. All artist names with Red text are 78s
that have recently been listed. Feel free to browse the list and place your order by clicking on the CLICK HERE TO ORDER link below. If you have any
questions feel free to e-mail us at any time. Please consult the Record Store Guidelines before placing your order and before e-mailing us with specific store questions. Also the
Grading System for the Condition of the 78s can be found at the Record Store Guidelines page. Prices subject to change without notice.
All efforts are made to remove 78s that have been sold, or are no longer in our inventory. There remains the possibility that a record listed below has been sold or is no longer in our inventory.
The 78 Record Store is Open |
Artist Name |
Songs |
Label | Price | Year |
Condition of Sleeve | Condition of Record | | |
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| The Angelic Gospel Singers |
Back To The Dust / He Never Has Let Me Down | Gotham | $40.00 |
19?? | M+ |
VG+ | |
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| | Bell of Joy |
Let's Talk About Jesus / I'll Work Lord | Peacock | $40.00 | 19?? | M+ |
VG+ | | | |
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The Caravans with James Cleveland | Witness / Let Us Run | State Record Company | $45.00 |
19?? | M+ | VG+ |
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| The Caravans with James Cleveland | The Solid Rock / Old Time Religion | State Record Company | $45.00 |
19?? | M+ | VG+ | Christland Singers | Jesus Has A Blessing / You Got To Be Born Again | Specialty | $35.00 |
19?? | M+ | VG+ | The Chosen Gospel Singers | Before This Time Another Year / One-Two-Three | Specialty |
$25.00 | 19?? | VG+ | VG+ | |
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| Original Five Blind Boys of Alabama (Also Known As The Happyland Singers) | When I Lost My Mother (Something About The Lord Is Mighty Sweet) / Oh Lord - Stand By Me (Every Day, Let Me Walk With Thee)
| Specialty | $75.00 |
19?? | M+ |
M+ | |
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Artist Name |
Songs |
Label | Price | Year |
Condition of Sleeve | Condition of Record | |
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Marie Knight with Sam Price Trio |
My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me / The Land Beyond The River | Decca |
$25.00 | 19?? |
M- | VG+ | |
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Artist Name |
Songs |
Label | Price | Year |
Condition of Sleeve | Condition of Record | |
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Brother Joe May and Sister Wynona Carr |
What Do You Know About Jesus / I'll Serve You Lord Until My Dying Day | Specialty |
$45.00 |
19?? | M+ | VG+ | Mitchell's Christian Singers |
I Heard The Preaching of The Elder / Up On The Mountain | OKeh |
$50.00 | 19?? |
M+ | VG | |
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Artist Name |
Songs |
Label | Price | Year |
Condition of Sleeve | Condition of Record | | |
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The Pilgrim Travelers | I Was There When The Spirit Came / What A Blessing IN Jesus I've Found |
Specialty | $25.00 |
19?? | M+ | VG+ | | | |
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Sister Jessie Mae Renfro | He's So Wonderful / In That Home, By and By |
Specialty | $35.00 | 19?? | M+ |
VG+ | | |
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Artist Name |
Songs |
Label | Price | Year |
Condition of Sleeve | Condition of Record | | |
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The Soul Stirrers | By and By (Parts 1 & 2) | Specialty | $30.00 | 19?? |
M- | VG+ | |
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Artist Name | Songs |
Label | Price | Year |
Condition of Sleeve | Condition of Record | | |
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Artist Name |
Songs |
Label | Price | Year |
Condition of Sleeve | Condition of Record | | |
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Copyright © 1997-2010 Gloryland Gospel Music All rights reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.
Gloryland Gospel