This is the archive page for Gloryland Gospel's album and CD review section
for the years of 2001 - 2007. Below you will find a listing of albums and CDs that have been reviewed. Each album is judged on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest.
The albums reviewed represent a portion of the nation's great quartet
recordings. Feel free to e-mail if you have any questions about any of the
releases listed below. Click on the RED
title below to read the review.
Nationally Released Reviews
National Year End Review
1. Apostle J. L. Cash and Praise "I
Need To Hear From You" (January 2008)
2. The Messengers "The
Messengers Present In Church With The Messengers"
(February 2008)
3. The Fantastic Violinaires "Revived"
(March 2008)
4. The Blind Boys of Alabama "Down
In New Orleans" (April 2008)
5. Doc McKenzie & The Hi-Lites "The
Answer Is In The Music" (May 2008)
6. True Believers "Break
Through" (June 2008)
7. Revive "The Return"
(July 2008)
8. Margaret "Babe" Allison & The Angelics "Touch
Me Again" (August 2008)
9. The Dynamic Dixie Travelers "Jesus
Will Make A Way Out Of No Way"
(September 2008)
10. The Barnes Family "Family
Reunion II" (October 2008)
11. Archie Dale and The Tones of Joy "Don't
Worry About Me" (November 2008)
12. The Soul Stirrers "A
Soul Stirring Reunion" (December 2008)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Independently Released Reviews
2007 Independent Year End Review
1. Nikki "D" & The Browns "God
Is So Wonderful" (January 2008)
2. The Willie Harris Gospel Singers "Got
A Healing" (February 2008)
3. The Peacemakers "We're Gonna Make It" (March 2008)
4. Marla & The Boyz "Psalms"
(April 2008)
5. The Selvys "Get Up
And Live" (May 2008)
6. The Gospel Imperials "Heaven"
(June 2008)
7. Larnell Starkey & The Spiritual Seven Gospel
Singers "The Best of The Old & New of . . ."
(July 2008)
8. Debra Snipes & The Angel's " Seek
Jesus - Recorded Live In Albany, GA"
(August 2008)
9. Brothers & Sisters "Live
In Willacoochee" (September 2008)
10. Solid Rock "Live
In Michigan" (October 2008)
11. The Sensationals "Closer
To Home" (November 2008)
12. Herman Ellis & The Dynamic Queen
City Aires "Standing At The Crossroad"
(December 2008)

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